The trick you’ve got to see: The faux bob

The trick you’ve got to see: The faux bob

Did you think we’d take a break for Sfiras Ha’omer?

Au contraire! Wedding season is about to kick off in full swing. It’s a busy and euphoric time for brides and mothers in law. Countless new, exciting wig designs are styled here every day, awaiting their big day after Lag Ba’omer. So many butterflies in our stomachs and tears welling up in the corners of our eyes—just how we like it!


faux bob

But brides are one thing and real life is another.

Keeping in mind the Jewish custom of refraining from haircuts until Lag Ba’omer, we present to you a stunning evening ‘do called the faux bob (meaning “fake bob” in French). This hot new style has been taking the red carpets by storm. What do you think about the faux bob?

faux bob

For some reason, many women feel like long hair is the safest bet. But that’s not always the case. We see women who look tired and old when wearing long wigs, while appearing stunning and brilliant in a short haired style. Some lucky women can pull off both styles, but the fear of cutting a wig and then being “stuck” with the results will always torment women. As they say, “To cut or not to cut—that is the question.”

faux bob

The solution lies in creativity. The faux bob basically folds the long part of the hair inward using a low, loose ponytail that is attached with bobby pins to form a short bob. You’ll see the faux bob being used in straight, meticulous hairdos as well as with messy, wild styles.

faux bob

With the Israeli spring fast approaching and temperatures soaring hotter than ever, a chic short haircut is tempting. Wouldn’t you love to wear a style that leaves your shoulders feeling light and free without the added burden of a hot, long wig? Well, now you can have it all, too.

faux bob

This is a look that makes a fashion statement and works with a variety of styles. You can wear it to a casual bris, for shabbos morning or even as the mother-in-law at the wedding of the century. So, if you plan on buying a wig for an event this summer and want to make a statement, but still want to stick with a long, sensible wig that you’ll be able to wear on a day to day basis, this is the perfect solution for you.

All of the hairstyles in this post are based on long hair styled in the following method. If you’re willing to try your hand at it, here is a simple guide that explains how you can create a faux bob all on your own:

faux bob tutorital


Image credits: 1,6,7

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